5 Minutes with: Carlyn Robertson

5 Minutes with: Carlyn Robertson

Carlyn Robertson is a marketer for BookBub, a Boston-based book marketing platform for authors, publishers, and other book marketers. BookBub has a global audience of over 20 million readers who use the platform to discover new books and authors, and a number of different marketing tools that the publishing industry can use to promote ebooks and audiobooks to those readers.

Carlyn develops educational content for the BookBub partners blog and website, speaks at conferences, executes email marketing campaigns, and aims to optimize the experience of all members of the publishing industry who work with BookBub.


What was the last book you read?

So You Want to be a Wizard, by Diane Duane. A group of friends and I started a book club to revisit favorite books from our childhoods, and this is the one we’re currently reading!

And what did you read it on?

My Kobo ereader. I love how easy it is to read on the train to work, and how I can bring an entire library with me when I travel.

What’s next on your reading list?

Trick Mirror, by Jia Tolentino

What TV series are you obsessing over right now?

Fleabag! I just finished the second season, and I’m blown away by how the show manages to be both hysterical and heartwarming even as it grapples with some really heavy topics and emotions.

What is the one thing about your company that we need to know?

BookBub is most well-known for our Featured Deals email, a daily email to our readers with links to purchase discounted ebooks in their favorite genres from their retailer of choice. These features consistently drive thousands of sales and downloads for our publishing partners.

What do you like about your job?

I’ve always loved books, so I find it really satisfying to work for a company that’s helping authors, publishers, and readers. It’s wonderful to have a positive impact on an industry I care about.

What is the single biggest challenge facing the publishing industry right now?

Books have competition from so many other sources of entertainment. Digital advertising provides incredible opportunities to promote books to highly-targeted audiences of readers, but even if you can cut through the noise and convince a reader to buy a book, you need them to decide to pick up that book rather than turn on Netflix or scroll through their phone.

Go on, let us know your musical guilty pleasure.

The Backstreet Boys

Which great novel have you tried to read but failed?

I’m a huge fantasy and science fiction fan, but I’ve never been able to finish Dune. I’ve tried and failed twice, but because it’s such a foundational classic in the genres I love, I’m determined to make it through someday!

What is the silliest thing you have on your desk?

A pair of Han Solo and Chewbacca action figures

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