A Day in the Life: Edith Perez, Senior Sales Executive at The London Book Fair

A Day in the Life: Edith Perez, Senior Sales Executive at The London Book Fair

Welcome to our ‘A Day in the Life’ blog series, where we’ll be interviewing members of the LBF team, industry professionals, and special guests attending our next LBF event.

Our latest interview is with Edith Perez, Senior Sales Executive for The London Book Fair.

Edith first joined RX back in 2018 and has worked across various shows including IBTM and in-cosmetics. Since 2021 Edith has worked on The London Book Fair, where she supports audio, technology, printing and solutions providers within the publishing industry to showcase their businesses at LBF.

Edith discusses her role at LBF, the advice she’d give to someone starting in sales and exhibitions, and the one TV show she’d recommend….

What’s the first thing you do after your alarm has gone off in the morning?

Funnily enough I don’t need an alarm, as I wake up very early. The first thing I do is drink a glass of water. My daily agenda varies from day to day – three days a week I try to go to the gym for yoga or a spin class.

Tea or coffee?

It depends on the time of day; in the morning I enjoy a coffee with spices like cinnamon and clove to help activate my metabolism and digestion. If I’m fasting, my best option is maté tea, as it helps regulate my sugar levels. Around 3pm, I have a warm English tea along with a small treat like a scone or cake – it’s the best thing ever!

What does a typical day look like for you?

During the week I’m pretty much dedicated to working 9-5. The evenings are for family time, cooking dinner and watching TV before bed. I like to read something to my son and ask about his day and the things he will enjoy the next day before he goes to sleep. My weekends are full of activities with the kids and teenagers in our life.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

The opportunity to understand the industry behind book production is an achievement for me, especially as a Spanish speaker working for a show that is the main platform used to shape the future of English creative content. I’m extremely proud of what we do at LBF and the passion that we share to make it happen every year, despite any challenges.

If you weren’t working in sales and exhibitions, what would be your alternative career?

I would be interested in a career in the humanistic or technology fields. I’ve also considered a career in therapy or any other field that allows me to make a positive impact on people’s lives.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone wanting to begin a career in your industry?

Mastering the ability to take care of yourself first will then enable you to better support and guide others. When you have a handle on your own well-being and productivity, you’ll be in a much better position to excel in these fast-paced, high-intensity environments.

In addition to solid self-management, I would also highly recommend building up a robust set of soft skills. Empathy, collaboration, communication, and creative problem-solving are all vital in these industries. The ability to understand others’ perspectives, work well in teams, articulate your ideas clearly, and think outside the box will set you apart from the competition. Cultivating these abilities will allow you to better navigate the complexities of these industries and make a meaningful impact.

If you could only recommend one book, film, and TV show to someone, what would it be?

I have to say that I’m more into non-fiction books. One book I recently read was The Five Side Effects of Kindness by David R. Hamilton PHD. It is a transformative read that empowers readers to embrace “kindfulness” – the combination of kindness and mindfulness – as a powerful means to improve physical, mental, and social well-being. David draws on both scientific research and the wisdom of Buddhist philosophy in this book.

When it comes to films, I’d recommend Avatar, as it delivers on multiple levels – it’s a visual spectacle, has a wonderful narrative, and explores controversial social and environmental themes, all in one.

As for TV shows I’d say Race Across the World as it shows the profound impact that technology-free travel can have on the participants’ relationships. It forces the contestants to be fully present with one another and to navigate both the physical and psychological challenges of their journey together. Being able to see the beauty of so many places all around the world from your TV is also brilliant!

What are you looking forward to the most at LBF25?

I’m looking forward to the transition to LBF25 and beyond, as once the venue renovations are complete, we’ll be able to provide more space for many other important subsectors in the industry. For example, I’m working on developing the audio and tech subsegment, which will allow storytellers to get their content more effectively to their communities across different platforms.

Get in touch with the team today to discuss exhibiting at the pre-eminent Spring event of the publishing year.

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